
Discovery learning 13. March sekretar

Our students from year six studied the quality of air around our school house.  In order to find that out they had to ask lichens and moss. The mini-expedition took place during a natural science lesson and outside, naturally. Students found out that on average there are about four to five species of moss or lichens growing on one linden tree (also known as tilia).  And the conclusion, based on the students’ findings was that the air that we breath here is very clean.

Our students from year six studied the quality of air around our school house.  In order to find that out they had to ask lichens and moss. The mini-expedition took place during a natural science lesson and outside, naturally. Students found out that on average there are about four to five species of moss or lichens growing on one linden tree (also known as tilia).  And the conclusion, based on the students’ findings was that the air that we breath here is very clean.